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Understanding and Leveraging the National Register of Historic Places

Introduction to the National Register of Historic Places

- What It Is: The National Register of Historic Places is a federal list that recognizes and helps protect buildings, sites, districts, structures, and objects significant in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture.

- Purpose: This listing recognizes the importance of these places and provides tools for their preservation.

Benefits of Listing

1. Recognition: Being listed confirms the historical and cultural significance of your community at a national level.

2. Preservation Grants and Financial Incentives: Properties on the Register can become eligible for specific grants and federal tax incentives for historic preservation projects.

3. Protection from Federal Projects: Federal agencies must consider how their projects affect historic properties and seek to avoid harming them.

4. Promotion and Tourism: Listing can attract tourists, which can boost local businesses and the economy.

5. Community Pride: Recognition fosters a sense of pride and identity within the community, enhancing local cohesion and cultural appreciation.

Current Situation in Bronzeville

- Partial Listing: Although the goal was to have the entire area recognized, only parts of Bronzeville have been listed on the National Register.

- Implications: This partial listing means that while some areas enjoy the benefits of being on the Register, others do not.

Steps Forward

1. Understand the Criteria: Learn why certain parts of Bronzeville were listed and others were not. This typically relates to factors like historical significance, integrity, and age.

2. Community Involvement and Advocacy: Organize community meetings, workshops, and discussions with local historians, preservation experts, and representatives from the state preservation office to understand and strategize next steps.

3. Documentation and Research: Gather more historical data, documents, and support that demonstrate the significance of the unlisted areas. This could involve detailed historical research, gathering community testimonies, and finding architectural evaluations.

4. Reapplication or Amendment: Based on new evidence or better documentation, the community can either reapply or seek to amend the existing nomination to include additional areas.

5. Local Protection Measures: Work with local government to enact ordinances or zoning regulations that protect the historic character of the entire community, regardless of National Register status.

6. Education and Outreach: Educate the community about the importance of preservation and how they can contribute to maintaining the historic character of Bronzeville.


- Call to Action: Encourage active participation and express the importance of community unity in the preservation efforts. Advocate for continued engagement and education on the matter.

60 views3 comments


This area is so deserving of registry and historical recognition. Moving forward, we have to flesh out the benefit of this effort overall to this community! Moreover, our input into the establishment of the designation is absolutely crucial to success and sustainability of significant preservation. Our history, heritage, and culture belongs to us; its our story. God bless Columbus Landmarks, and let's make sure they follow our lead!


I do not believe this article portrays a fair or accurate understanding of the process and purpose of this submission. I’m disappointed that this was written and published so hastily (less than 12hrs after this community meeting pictured was had). And BCN’s failure to confirm the accuracy of the details written with those in the community who have been working on this for years is concerning.

May 14
Replying to

I think it's important to have conversations to help community members come to a conclusion. The information provided was not an opinion, it was information published online. Right or wrong it's always good to help everyone in the community get a good understanding. I'm hoping you will provide your thoughts. The community may be need your thoughts. Have a great day and thank you for your feedback.

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